February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! You interviewed each other in our last class. We asked questions about love and marriage to get into the Valentine's Day theme. However, Valentine's Day wasn't always about love.

Figure 1: Saint Valentine and his disciples

This day is named after two Christian martyrs named Valentine who lived around 200 AD. Only in the middle ages did Valentine's Day become associated with love. Today it is celebrated on February 14 in most Western countries. Many people think that like Christmas and Easter, Valentine's Day has become another way for advertisers to suck money out of us . . . another "Hallmark Day" (see this page http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Hallmark+Day&defid=1623139 ).

Do you really need a special day to appreciate your loved ones?

Should romance be confined to one day a year?

What are your favourite gifts to give and get on Valentine's Day (http://www.gifts.com/occasions/valentines-day/her/o7hFr6aicp816n)?

1 comment:

Penny said...

Happy Valentine's Day!


There are a lot of special pictures. I hope you will like them.